Return Policy
At Vanpowers, we strive for your complete satisfaction. Please review our Return and Refund Policy below for clear and convenient information.
Order Cancellation
To cancel an order, please contact us at before the order is shipped. Submitting a cancellation request before shipment does not guarantee a successful cancellation. If the order is successfully canceled, you will receive an email confirmation.
Once the order has been shipped, we will not be able to cancel it. Please wait for the order to be delivered and then contact us within 30 days to initiate the return process.
Orders refused for return or not following the return procedures may result in items being lost in transit or refused by the warehouse due to lack of return registration, which may prevent a refund or exchange.
Returns and Exchanges
We accept returns and exchanges within 30 days of receipt. Please contact our support team for assistance with returns and exchanges.
Return and Exchange Shipping Costs and Fees
We do not charge additional fees for returns and exchanges.
Regarding shipping costs:
If the return or exchange is due to our fault, such as sending the wrong item, product quality issues, or other reasons accepted by our customer service team (note: minor damage to the outer packaging caused by shipping that does not affect product use is not a valid reason for return), we will cover the shipping costs. Once we receive the returned package, we will process the refund or send out the replacement.
If you wish to return or exchange for reasons not caused by us, you will need to cover the shipping costs. The item must be unused, free of dirt, dust, or any other signs of use, and in its original packaging (otherwise, we will refuse to provide return or exchange services). Once we receive the returned package, we will process the refund or send out the replacement.
Refund Processing Time
You will typically receive your refund within 3-5 business days, depending on your payment bank.
Return and Exchange Process
1.Please contact our customer support team at within 30 days of receiving your order. Send us your return or exchange request along with detailed photos of the front, side, and back of the packaging and product. This will help us quickly confirm the status of the package and product and expedite your return or exchange process.
2.Once we have confirmed the status of the package and product and discussed the details of the return or exchange with you, we will provide you with specific return instructions so you can send the package back to us.
Note: Please do not return the package to the original shipping address on your own (contact our customer service team first), as this may result in the package being lost in transit or refused by the warehouse due to lack of return registration, which may prevent a refund or exchange.
3.After we receive your return package and confirm its status, we will process your refund or exchange.
How will customers get the return label?
For defective products (this happens when the product is incorrect, damaged by the carrier, or defective in another way)
We will send the return label to the customer via email. The customer can download and print it.
For customer remorse (this happens when the customer purchased the wrong product, it doesn't fit, or they no longer want the item)
Customer is responsible for sending back the package.
Contact Us
Please let me know if there are any further changes or specific adjustments you need!
Phone number: +1 888 995 8688
Email Address:
Working Hours: 9:00 AM~6:00 PM EST (Monday~Friday)